Post pub + ebay = dangerous


Retrobike Rider
So how many of you out there are guilty of this; a little bid here and a little bid there after a few little drinkies??

I can pretty much say I am...

Left a little bid on something last night on the last train home, not really thinking anything would come of it and woke up this morning having won a Yo Eddy... :oops:
Holding hand up to this one.

Or put another way, I drink on purpose to allow me enough confidence to bid!
My worst buys have been when I'm sober.
I bought a Mercedes a few weeks back. Now the mornings are getting a bit colder it seems the glow plugs need replacing.
Googled how to do it this morning and it seems the plugs have a habit of shearing off in the head...
Though it might not be the plugs. It could be the low pressure fuel lines that have a habit of draining down during the night.
At least the battery's good; it's French!
uno-speedo":9edte1ba said:
The wife just got home, so all delusions of ebay bidding just hit home...but I shall enjoy my Leffe regardless!

Ah now don't bring the other half into it, as then you create pressure bidding where you have a split second moment to bid before she walks back into the room ( she is now automatically suspicious when ever RB or ebay are open on my computer)
all laptops should be fitted with some kind of blood alcohol level sensor that disallows access to paypal, ebay, crc, amazon & other such sites as a matter of precaution for anyone over a certain limit.

my old scalextric / hornby train ebay shop was setup (& stocked) after a night on theakstons O.P!!
Not drunk but I bought some Pace RC31, don't know why because I already had some. Fortunately after three weeks the seller still hadn't posted them so I claimed and got my money back!
northerndave":3qdfvtun said:
So how many of you out there are guilty of this; a little bid here and a little bid there after a few little drinkies??

I can pretty much say I am...

Left a little bid on something last night on the last train home, not really thinking anything would come of it and woke up this morning having won a Yo Eddy... :oops:
Definitely. Bought many an item a sober me wouldnt. A drunken new years eve and a gator fade Klein spring to mind, but that was retrobike and not eBay. Far too many tempting sites to fuel the retro need.

Thought about that yo myself but much too rich for me, though with the kit left on it I'd consider it more of a bargain than others I've seen in that condition recently. Had I not moved recently I'd have considered it, but now I must live a frugal life.

There can't be that many yos left in circulation now you've bought them all.