Possible solution for unsticking a seatpost??


Senior Retro Guru
Not sure if anyone watched that classic car restoration programme?The one with the mustang they did up?Anyway the guy used boiling vinegar to try and unseize the engine (failed), I've never seen this done before but wondered if this might work on stuck seatposts?

You can try pouring some full strength Coca Cola down the seat tube from the BB shell. Id plug the seatpost up at the top though! Ive left like this for a few days then tried to shift it and its worked...Bloody lethal stuff Cola!
Plus gas applied twice a day. Every day stick the seatpost in a vice and turn the frame. Repeat until it is freed. It will come out. It does work on really stuck post but it could take a week or two if it really stuck. You'll need a can of patience.

I do not believe the vinger/coke thing really works well at all.

If plus gas fails or if you lack patience then you can try caustic soda or a welding torch and melt the ally post and watch it dribble out. Thjat onlt works with steel frames though. caustic soda one works with steel frames as well.