Wanted Parts Klein Attitude 22" 94


Retro Newbie
Enfin, après 30 ans, j'ai une Klein Atittude de 94 (je vous en reparlerai bientôt) :).

La tige de selle était bloquée, j'ai fait un extracteur, ça a parfaitement fonctionné, photos à suivre.

Je voudrais le construire avec sa tige et sa fourche.
Il me manque actuellement une fourche pour un 22", joint de direction et entretoises, bouchon et aussi le collier.

Pour le collier, si personne ne veut en vendre ou n'en a de disponible, serait-il possible de me donner les mesures exactes en métrique pour pouvoir en fabriquer un nouveau, cela ne semble pas très compliqué.

Merci d'avance.

IMG_7847.jpeg IMG_7982.jpeg

Good morning.
Finally, after 30 years, I have a Klein Atittude of 94 (I will tell you more about it soon) :).

The seatpost was blocked, I made an extractor, it worked perfectly, pictures to follow.

I would like to build it with its stem and fork.
I am currently missing a fork for a 22", steering joint and spacers, cap and also the collar.

For the collar, if no one wants to sell or has one available, would it be possible to give me the exact measurements in metric to be able to make a new one, it doesn't seem very complicated.

Thanks in advance.
I know yes, if I can't find it, we manufacture, right?
And why not carbon, once painted, it's the same question look.
These bikes deserve to be complete.
I do not hide that if I find one, I would not necessarily embark on this adventure ;-).
IMG_7974 2.jpeg Here is the tool I was talking about above
I searched on google to get info, tried the anti-seize, nothing, I tested the cold so that the aluminum seat post retracts and comes off, nothing (the seat post was retracted in the frame 30 cm, that's a lot), but I was determined, so I made a quick puller.
It worked perfectly, but its operation was neither simple nor practical, so I looked a little on the net and found some guys on the net who made an extractor and shared the information, it was very interesting , so I said to myself here in Paris a lot of people have the problem, and no one has the solution, I just had to make a simple and effective tool.
I was inspired by their work and made some improvements, I attach some photos and let you judge.

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