For Sale Pace RC36 Evo forks

Retro Geek

Retro Guru
Hi all, I have these Pace RC36 Evo forks for sale they could do with a service to make perfect they have been modified to work with a cantilever brake, the steerer is 1in 160mm in length.
£75 posted UK Mainland only. 20221204_202221.jpg 20221204_202235.jpg 20221204_202249.jpg 20221204_202317.jpg
Are these still available, or are they the same pair that recently went on EBay?

Available or not, I’d much appreciate it if you could tell me whether they use springs or elastomers, and whether this model they has any significant merits or issues?

Thanks. They looked familiar I just missed them on eBay. A pity as they would have been the perfect period match for a build.
Many thanks ishaw. A good option.
I’m just starting to get familiar with the Pace fork models. If you don’t mind advising me some…?

Do I understand correctly that the rc36 uses elastomers as to springs as I believe the EVOs do?

I image the springs to be less of an issue to maintain but is that actually the case/what are the merits and disadvantages of each?
I'm no expert in this era of pace forks, I'm not sure if my ones have springs or elastomers, I'd assumed springs as I thought rc35s were the last elastomer forks, but I could be wrong so don't take my word for it.

Springs are fit and forget really, but only good for forks with damping otherwise there is no control over rebound. People say they pogo, but in my experience when I've replaced elastomers with springs on undamped forks like rc35s, I can't say that was my experience.

Elastomers do of course deteriorate over time, but plenty of options for replacement on here, online and you can buy rods of elastomer to your preferred hardness and cut to suit, which I've also done in my past with older pace, manitou and Judy. Elastomers have damping qualities of their own, they squish, then rebound and unlike springs, don't bounce or pogo.

If I get time, I'll pop the lowers off and see what's inside.
Thanks, that’s very helpful and much appreciated. Despite the slight maintenance aspect I now see the point of the elastomers.
ishaw, I’d like to have them if I may, how best to go about that?

I need a 1” steerer, but that’s solvable…