jonthefish Senior Retro Guru Feedback View Sunday at 21:17 #1 Pace Extruder chainring. 94 BCD 44 tooth. Looks to have had light use. I got it with a crankset but not needed. No idea of value. Let's say £17 posted. SOLD ITM Ti bar ends. Bought here now surplus. Logos worn but otherwise quite tidy. £19 posted. PM for more pics. Attachments PC010308.JPG 538.9 KB · Views: 11 Last edited: Sunday at 22:41
Pace Extruder chainring. 94 BCD 44 tooth. Looks to have had light use. I got it with a crankset but not needed. No idea of value. Let's say £17 posted. SOLD ITM Ti bar ends. Bought here now surplus. Logos worn but otherwise quite tidy. £19 posted. PM for more pics.
ishaw Gold Trader GT Fan Feedback View Sunday at 23:54 #4 Those bar ends will look good on a build I've had brewing for years. Ti, with silver. Could I take them. Thanks
Those bar ends will look good on a build I've had brewing for years. Ti, with silver. Could I take them. Thanks