Orange P7 (1996) - Completely Original Spec (even the tyres)


Dirt Disciple
Dear All,

After many years of love! I am looking to part with my beautiful 1996 Orange P7 (19"). Everything on it is what came on it in 1996 (bought in bonnie Scotland - Fort William - i remember the Euro 96 abuse well!). It has upgraded STX RC full kit. Original fir rims (with orig Bontranger tyres!). New owner must prove that he can love and hug this baby as much as me (references required! - ok, joking).

Sensible offers please. Will do my best to answer questions.

PS - also now selling a 17" 1996 Kona Fire Mountain - ad will follow this. Dooooh - picture too big - workin on it!

LOL Mr Sad to see it go! :cry:
You'll need to put an asking price on this mate, or the thread will be locked.

Also, some pics will help your sale.

Lovely bike by the way, I remember mine well!
Looking ideally for £350 ono :)

PS can anybody educate a newbie numpty (me) as to how you a get a photo to fit on here!!! dooohhhh
Download photoscape (free) then use editor to reduce size. I do them to about "700" (it will make sense when you do it!)
Re-szie the pics ! Just change the image size in something like photo editor, paintshop, photoshop etc. If you are able to specify image dimesnions in your software then try 800 pixels wide.

SNAP...beaten to it.