onza buzz saw

Stainless steel if I recall, the main plus was that they were thinner, making them much less susceptible to causing chain stuck that seemed to be a major issue bitd. I'm thinking I put one on my Fisher to solve the chain suck problem. And being steel they don't wear out like alloy.
Got one

Bought one off the 'bay for £8.99 it's spot on

Looks a bit funky cos it's asymmetrical in between the arms

It actually looks very cool between two regular ones

Go for it!
Also ran them in 24 and 36T when they first came out for about five years, They tend to be a tad thinner than aluminum rings and may require some spacers to get them to shift properly but as noted before they shift well. When Onza hit $$ trouble we even ordered them from the actual manufacturer and sold them in our own packaging back in the mid-ninties.
Often bought, as where Sakae ninja, as a fairly cheap, durable and fashionable 24T chaining in the early 90's when 26T was the common granny ring found on chainsets. Stainless Steel as well.
As for the spacer differences, well they should have come with them in the plastic carton.

No idea what they did in the mid 90's and their restyling and cut off teeth. But it was the 24T granny that made 'em popular in the early 90's