Nidderdale Sunday 22nd of March

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May have a plus 1. Hope the wind decides to calm down, hate wind!! Dunno which bike ill be on though??

Just finished building my bike so this ride maybe a baptism of fire, got to do some fine tuning and check if the forks still hold air....

At least the weather looks good if it all goes wrong :lol:

I'll check back later to see if anyone else is joining us.

if you dont see me at the start; i think i will make my way up middlesmoor and wait at
the top;;i did the hole of horcum last week on the moonlander and ankle and knees a bit sore :facepalm: added a few miles on as well , will be on the felt this time.
got some frames for sale if anyone is interested all £30 each. kona fire mountain, 80's dawes, u brake gt timberline and a dynatech odyssey. can bring them if anyone wants

All packed and ready for the morning, bike looks good but forks are still suspect.

See y'll in the morning chaps.

Re: Re:

kaya":3f5rdbwd said:
All packed and ready for the morning, bike looks good but forks are still suspect.

See y'll in the morning chaps.


I spent the èvening at the side of the road, Mavis broke down, so no bike ready, not happy, but nothing I could do about it.
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