my old Sunn?


Dirt Disciple
I've got/ had my Sunn Vertik from new circa 1996.
The steel frame is fantastic but the black paint finish is knackered.
What/ how can I get this baby tarted up, to how she rightly deserves to be?
Any numbers of frame finishers, prices, what type of finish to go for,
powder coat is fairly cheap , max £45 .

decals will be hard to find , try the Sunnproteam forum if you speak french .
As Chris said, but make sure to photo the decals very carefully before you remove them. It may be possible for somebody (perhaps Gil_M on here) to make copies for you.
will be doing something similar with my frame but the sunn decals on mine though feel embossed into the frame. usually the decal is raised but on this frame it's a lower level than the paint finish.

i was going to strip it all down but couldn't see how the decal had been applied - it's like it is part of the paintwork and not stuck on like on my previous sunn bikes.

any idea how i would achieve the same effect. the frame needs a tidy up but in two minds jut to leave it as quite like that effect.

apologies if this appears to be a hijack but it's a similar question and didn't want to repeat post.
your not going to recoat that lovelly chrome Total off ebay,
Hows it going any ways and how does it ride?
i'm not touching the Total soft tail frame - don't think it's new owner would appreciate that.

this is for a rigid sunn frame i have. i think it's a revolt but not sure. it's going to be my new daily ride.

i may just keep it as it is as i really like the decals.

Argoscycles are pricey but recommended or just browse the local yellow pages for metal cleaners etc...