my 1990 marin bear valley for sale

Ooooh...looks nice....couple of years newer than I was after but am definitely interested...any BIN price in mind for RetroBikers? (Oh, and I'd need it posted).

Interested also, but not sure on the sizing.

Without checking did marin do an extra large or was that the max. I seem to remember 22" and more frame sizes than the usual 4 :?

This is always the problem when youre 6'3" :( Last marin i bought was on ebay and advertised as 21" and it was near to me so pick up was possible
Fella selling it was about 6'2/3/4" something and pretty big fella at that. Must have been 17 stone
I was happy to find a commuter my size and near enough to keep the bidders low and no postage

It was a 17" :shock:
I consoled my self thinking how utterly ridiculous this giant looked riding along on it :LOL:
