Melosa - my band's new album out today


Retrobike Rider
98+ BoTM Winner
Not sure if this is the right place - feel free to delete if inappropriate ;)


If your into Ska, Reggae, funky kinda stuff our new album is released today.
10 original songs + 1 cheeky cover :)

We're a 10 piece, and play lots of gigs and festis around the SW of England

Only £3.99 on Amazon and iTunes.....and £1 from every sale goes to Amnesty/MSF/Urafiki charities.
Amazon llink

And have a listen to 3 full songs on Soundcloud....Here

Cheers, Tom
Cheers dude :D

We do play down your way every so often. Next time we are I'll drop you a line.
Interesting sound, lots of fun.
That Brittos Place reminds me a song by The xx though, even though its a world away in style.
Bought the album on Itunes for £3.49 and its brilliant. What instrument do you play in the band?