Marin Ad


Dirt Disciple
Anyone remember the Marin ad from the late 80s ealy nineties looking over frisco bay ?
It was on the back page of all the mags back in the day, i want to see the image again as its what inspired me in the early days.
Cheers but thats not the image i was thinking of, its the one of Bob Buckley with his team titanium, it used to be on the back of MBUK and maybe MBR probably early nineties.
Do you mean the chap that owned/ran Marin on a Suntour Equiped Team Ti?

If so I have that and I'll scan you a copy tomorrow.

Cool looking bike - 1990 Team Ti is on my list.... :cool:
Thanks for the replies, the pic i'm after is very similar to the 93 catalogue image but not the same. i bet ive got a mag somewhere in the loft but it will take me forever to find it, so if anyone knows the image im looking for please could you point me in the right direction. ;)