MacRetro Trading Post

Got you an FSA headset, in black sadly but nothing else available. The Bike Station headset drawer was a massive jumble of bits with none of them tied together, crazy mess to navigate.

Let me know when you'll be in edinburgh TK and I'll PM you contact details etc.
AlpineStars Cromega LX on Gumtree

This might be of interest to somebody ... s/89925206

Seller is in Candleriggs , Glasgow. I went along for a look. The bike is quite small. I didn't have a tape measure but probably a 17". Very short reach too.

Looks like it's original except for the saddle. The seatpost is very short. Only about 2" left in the seat tube. All components work and are in good condition.

Paintwork wise it's ok. Lots of wee chips with rust coming thru which really shows up on the white. The decals are ok except for headtube which has been the victim of cable rub.

It's a reasonable bike for the money just not for me.
possibly worth buying for the wheels alone
pity its a small 16.5" as you said , lots of midgets on this forum tho

Hi mate
Yeah, I have been a bit quiet of late on all fronts.Work has been manic since april. Lots of pups as well as quite a few whale and dolphin strandings as well. We had a major stranding in July up at Durness that at this piont seems to be where I picked up a zoonotic 'bug' that knocked me around a fair bit and last month was rushed into Wick hospital. I had a torn eosophegus, systemic abdomen infection and septicemia. Frightening stuff, more so because they are still testing as they still aren't sure what kicked it off. First time I had ever been in an ambulance or a patient in hospital so glad its over. Its been a crazy summer thats for sure. We are releasing the pups we have this week and then we are closed for 4 to 5 weeks to get back on top of things so am going to try to get to a few macretro rides again.
I havent been doing much riding on the retro's, mainly my roadie just to keep my legs ticking over and take the singlespeed out now and again. I had it out on Sunday with the little mans trailer attached. Did just over an hour or so on the road with it.
I am going to be selling my 88 Stumpy which is still down at the inlaws in Balloch. ( see what I did there? right when they were about to have a go because this is a trading post, I threw a for sale in there ;) )
If anyone is interested drop me a line. Its a original 1988 Stumpy only non original item is the umma gumma's. 18 inch, red and white, looking for about £220
Pics in my signature link but will post a proper ad later
(back on board)
Wow, sounds like you've had a pretty awful time, hope you are better now.

I'd love the stumpy but I am really not getting anything new till middle of next year now as I have taken on a full sus project. :(