Looking for a French Rando bike or F+F, 650B - for 6ft rider


Dirt Disciple
Had a search here, looking on French S/H sites but thought the retrobikers may be able to point me in the right direction.

I'm looking for something that's at least partly compatible with some modern parts rather than a total (ie £££££) period rebuild, but one that will be done with a real appreciation of the original's intent. I have a long tour in France in mind and I'd like a 650B Rando for local trips and this longer ride.

Can't afford Singer money but funds are there for the right bike, anything from a near-scrapper with potential to a semi-complete project. 58-59cm I think.

Thanks and eternal goodwill to anyone who can help out here! : )

james.olsen.remote at hotmail.co.uk