Unsolicited testimonial!
I have one of these and I think the seller is barmy to let it go. Weighs nothing, stiff as you like at the bottom bracket, and the comfiest bike I have every owned, including some very classy steel. I rode it to Paris last year and it looked after me beautifully - perky on the ups, rock solid on the descents (and that's in the huge 63 cm frame size), and I never felt beaten up at the end of the day. This was the heyday of the Trek Lemond collaboration and he had the best designers and framebuilders at his beck and call. The philosophy was, "A comfortable rider is a fast rider" - so this frame is quite relaxed and spacious for a full-on racing bike. By 2004 Lemond was in a huff and Trek succumbed to fashionitis and incorporated carbon stays and track-style geometry. Ruinous.
These all-ti Lemonds are absolute classics, and you'll probably never see another. If it was the big size, I'd buy it myself as a spare.