Kona Kula Supreme Brake Posts?

rory breaker

Retro Guru
Hi all,

Does anyone have any idea where I can get some V-brake posts for a Kona Kula Supreme from?

Not sure of the year, but its a yummy green and white one.



I rescued a 2000ish aluminium kona jump bike from the tip a few years back, frame cracked but salvaged parts. I took the brake bosses off.

If I can find them I can post them on. Only problem is they are likely covered in paint as said bike was hand painted before being skipped by previous owner so will need cleaning up. Second issue is im on crutches and they are at the back of the shed so you might need to wait ten days for me to get them..

Pm me if you are keen!

That'd be a 2007 model. I suspect they are standard M10 x 1.25 pitch ones. They're a fiver on eBay for steel or about a tenner for Far East titanium ones.
