Kona Cinder Cone


Retro Newbie
Hi, Im new here and looking aroud fills me with many good memories!
I used to race in ealy mountain bike competitions from about 1989 to about 1994. Around 1993 I bought a brand new Cinder Cone frameset, at the time it cost e what I thought was the earth! I draped the frameset with everything that was in at the time - Mag 21 forks, hope hubs, gripshift, club roost handle bars, spd's etc. After getting the bike "pimped up" I went to University, here I found beer and girls slightly more worthwhile and since that fateful time my beloved Kona has sat in the garage. I stumbled upon her today whilst having a tidy out and have to make a decision.
1. do I give her some new rubber and ride her proud.
2. Sell her complete.
3. strip her and sell her parts.

All of the parts, including frame are in good condition, I just don't know what to do. If I sell her, I would feel a bit like im selling my kids but would she go for much??
Give it the love it deserves. A good service and a cleanup and then ride ride ride :) You'll not make any meaningful money from selling it but you WILL regret selling it in years to come if not next month! Believe me, I speak from experience.
Don't sell you will regret it. After uni I sold my mint Lava Dome because I thought I wanted full suspension. Let her go for £100, before I found this site.
Few years down thew line I started to miss her clean slender lines and bought and built up my 92 Expolsif. It cost me several times what I sold the Lava Dome for and all I really wanted was my old bike.

Strip down and service new cables, pads and maybe tyres.
Be proud of your ride. You will get stopped in the street by those in the know.
I would keep the bike especially you had it since the early '90's which it's a bit of history of you and bike, strip it apart, clean it and rebuild the bike up and ride it. :)

Welcome to retrobike
Had my old clockwork for 15 years before selling it a few years ago. Regretted it ever since. :cry: Now spending loads on a retro ride that no matter what I put on it will never replace my clockwork. :oops:

At the very least you want to give it a tidy and polish up then go for a ride or two. Maybe get some shiny new bits off here? That'll soon make your mind up and any bits you buy should fetch about the same if you decide to get rid. ;)
Bought my Cinder Cone in early 92. Rode it, raced it, stripped it and pampered it. Loved it to bits. Things got in the way of riding and for years it lay neglected in the cellar. But not any more. It's stripped down ready for repsraying, and once again happy evenings are spent with greasy fingers.

Rebuild it and ride it. You'll search long and hard to find a more honest and rewarding ride.
Wow! seems like there is only one option, I have been out of the sport for a long time now (15yrs). I used to be a dab hand at everything from wheel building to complete re-builds. A lot of things have changed and I feel like an absolute beginner again, kinda exciting! Where do I start though, can I still get all the bits I might need for such an out of date drive train etc.?
Felt exactly the same, but the friendly expertise that exists on this site is unbelievable. You will find yourself hooked very very quickly.
I can see how addictive this could be! so many questions though! how compatible are the more modern drive trains? from memory my cinder cone has a 52 tooth big chain ring, I have noticed that they are now a lot smaller! :? would the V type brakes (which were just coming into fashion when I left the scene!) fit the frame? etc.