Karmatastic - FLITE TI SADDLE - And the weeener is....


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
So it's been a while since we've had one of these, but on the back of my good news today, getting a new job, I want to pass on the karma, and offer this lovely Flite Ti Saddle to everyone.

All you need to do is get your name down on this thread, I'll give you a number via pm, and on Sunday evening (5th June 2011) I'll put all the numbers into a random number generator/picker thing, and we'll have a winner.

Anyone in the world can enter this, and all I ask is that the winner, wherever he or she may be, covers actual postage. If the lucky recipient happens to be at Mountain Mayhem, then I'll hand it over to them personally. :cool:

**Just a live EDIT to say that the close of play will be 6pm on sunday, and I'll do the draw @ 7pm**

Some pics:


  • Flite 003 (Large).jpg
    Flite 003 (Large).jpg
    61.6 KB · Views: 1,627
  • Flite 002 (Large).jpg
    Flite 002 (Large).jpg
    88.9 KB · Views: 1,627
  • Flite 001 (Large).jpg
    Flite 001 (Large).jpg
    121.1 KB · Views: 1,627
I have literally just got back home after buying a reissue Flite for £72, so this thread is making me sad......