Senior Retro Guru
Both free to anyone that can collect from Farnborough in Hampshire.
1991 Saracen Traverse hydrotech frame. Suspect one of the bb threads is damaged as cups screw in but axle doesn't sit straight. Easy work around would be to use one of those bb's that screws into itself especially for frames with damaged threads. About 18.5 cm c to c.
1992 Marin Eldridge. Again bb issues. One cup has broken and the other the splines are damaged. 17.5 cm c to c on this one.
1991 Saracen Traverse hydrotech frame. Suspect one of the bb threads is damaged as cups screw in but axle doesn't sit straight. Easy work around would be to use one of those bb's that screws into itself especially for frames with damaged threads. About 18.5 cm c to c.
1992 Marin Eldridge. Again bb issues. One cup has broken and the other the splines are damaged. 17.5 cm c to c on this one.