Yes the build looks great,I think the stem on my bike was a bit shorter and flatter. The tyres were continental cross country ones, I still have a pair in my loft, and as you say the wheels were Mavic 231's with silver finish on XT hubs.
There wasn't much set up to do on the bike as the frame was pretty much my size so only options we're stem length/rise and bar width, which was quite narrow back then.
It certainly was a great bike to be seen with, and a bit of a head turner in the UK an abroad. The best thing was ripping past people on the descents as the formula one bike was great down hill, the worst thing was that it wasn't so good as my Pace RC100 (ridden the year before) at going up hill. So being passed on the hills by others when your on a flashy machine was a bit annoying, but it didn't happen too often fortunately.