I bought a new 13" Macbook Pro 2 weeks ago and took up the free-ish snow leopard upgrade when it was released last week..
My thoughts..
It freed up about 23gb of hard drive space.. I was well impressed with this before I realized that it calculates the space differently.. Other then that, I'm sorry to have to admit, but bugger all speed difference on a brand new Macbook.. :shock: maybe, a slightly faster finder load.. but nothing that impresses compared to windows. The real con is the whole.. Ooo its a true 64 bit operating system.. erm, well why is my Macbook forced to run in 32 bit mode.. the world isn't completely ready for 64bit yet!
On the whole though, as a Mac newb.. bloody el Mac OS X is rather good.. can't get over the whole gestures think on the track pad.. Mmmm! The iPhone hooked me into Apple and the rest is history.. and I'm a Microsoft .Net developer.. :shock: