It was different back then!

Love it!

Crazy to think we’re going to look back on this in 40 years and see me on my cargo bike with my two little-uns in the front and think it looks so old fashioned! As a bike with no electric assist, it’s already way out of date in family bike terms.
I remember back in '64, when I was 8, being frogmarched back home by the local bobby for riding on the pavement.
A couple of years later I was stopped and driven 6 miles home in a police car by two bobbies for having only one working brake, my mate had to caddy the bike home - served him right as he sold me the bike. (a big boy made me do it!)
Amazing, my father in law gave me some plans to make a bicycle sidecar at home and did make me wonder if anyone actually used them bitd.

Cargo bike with sidecar, that's what we all need!