Is it me???


Dirt Disciple
or do all local bike shops suck? Without naming any names my local shop is pants.. not only do they have an attitude that makes you feel they arent bothered if they serve you or not but they charge a fortune for everything. I can understand why a local shop may not be able to compete with online prices but 20% more than RRP? come on.. its a rip off. I can remember when there were some proper bike shops about.. Jack Hearne's for example in Slough where i listened to good advice before buying my first 'proper bike' they still exist? I cant seem to find one!
My LBS in Hereford is great - often competitive with on-line prices and great service always. They put up with my endless questions and help me find inexpensive solutions to many a bike related problem. And....very important to a female retrobiker..... not patronising about my efforts ( although I do get put right from time to time!)

Coombes in Hereford comes well recommended by more than one member on this forum!
The one in my town is pants, took them four weeks to get a single speed kit i could have got on line and delivered the next day, they sold me an inner brake cable with the barrel end snipped off, had just the bullet end which was no friggin use, they quoted £130 to build a pair of wheels with me supplying the hubs and rims (got them done at another shop for a more realistic £70), i ordered a Campag BB tool, went in a week later to collect it and they knew bugger all about it :roll:

Luckily i found a far better place in the next town or there are better shops in Glasgow.
My LBS is good*, prices at RRP or below, regular customers get 10% off, good advice, customers are left to browse & not hassled, good prices for servicing, friendly staff....

Some bike shops are pretty poor though, another LBS who will remain nameless is not that good for customer service, he spends all day on his laptop @ the counter, looks up when you walk in with a look of 'oh great, a bloody customer...'

*I start work there in a couple of weeks ;)
Andy B":l4fpsfg2 said:
My LBS is good*, prices at RRP or below, regular customers get 10% off, good advice, customers are left to browse & not hassled, good prices for servicing, friendly staff....

Some bike shops are pretty poor though, another LBS who will remain nameless is not that good for customer service, he spends all day on his laptop @ the counter, looks up when you walk in with a look of 'oh great, a bloody customer...'

*I start work there in a couple of weeks ;)

I first read that you were going to start work in the second place soon, I thought great you could expose that lazy **** for what he is :LOL:

One local LBS I have sinced stopped using are useless with similar stories to what has been said above. I think they depend so much on having decent staff but nowadays with the general CBA attitude is hard to find.
and thats my point! Those LBS's that charge high prices and give poor customer service wake up! I hope buyers in their droves will vote with their feet use the internet instead of putting up with this sort of service. I went into mine again in the week for a new cassette, walked out without even asking for it because the guys behind the counter couldnt even acknowledge me.. i waited patiently but in the end walked out and came home to promptly order online.. received it in 2 days with free P&P and £10 cheaper than the LBS... i know where i'll be buying my stuff from in the future!