Is 2010 considered retro these days if 26"?


Gold Trader
Hi all, I used to frequent these forums many years ago, recently digging around in the loft brought memories up of the forum.

Now wondering what is classed as retro, around 10 years ago for me it was anything 26" with V brakes pre 97, but in the last 7 years I rarely see anything 26" these days.

As such does that extend any new category or time scale?
No. The categories are set in stone and signed in blood. It’s 97 and earlier and will never be changed. Ever.

In the year 2098 when bicycles teleport , some numpty will put a 1998 bike in the pre 1997 section and be punished by death.

No amount of sanity that a 98 bike has more in common with pre 97 than a 2024 will ever change it.
This a retro bike site!

No it’s not. It’s a site about old bikes.
If it was actually about “retro” bikes, it would be about modern bikes made in an older style, as per the dictionary definition of retro.

But to answer the initial question, no. 2010 may still be the era of 26” but the bikes had already turned very modern by then. Well established disc brakes, suspension etc.
2010 is the modern stuff I modernised my RetroBike's with.

But you're in the 1998+ section so it fits in here. Just ignore the tutts and small shakes of the head (when you see me do it if you call it retro)
2010 is the definitely modern to me.

This is the newest bike I own, a 2010 - it's definitely a bit different from a modern bike (in some good ways, some bad), but I'd say it's miles away from a pre-1997 one.

IMO you can still get "classic" frames from the 2000-2010 period, I just wouldn't call them retro necessarily.

Mind you I would describe the above bike as "awesome" and would love to still be in my thirties so.... 14 years wasn't that long was it? 😂

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