Wanted IRC Geo Claw / Geoclaw Lite 26 x 1.9"


Senior Retro Guru

Looking for usable/rideable IRC Geo Claw Lite's in 1.9" and skin wall.

Picture pirated borrowed from @Carge and his post from 2011.

IRC Geo Claw Lite.JPG
Would you believe it - that tyre has not been used - still pretty much like that. I was thinking of putting it on the Bonty - but might use Megabites instead.
Would you believe it - that tyre has not been used - still pretty much like that. I was thinking of putting it on the Bonty - but might use Megabites instead.
12 years later...amazing.

Well, I suppose if you want to part with that single tire and time hasn't degraded the rubber feel free to send me a PM. Else, if you're holding out for another to appear, I completely understand.
hi there, im pretty certain i have one of these at home. Message me later to remind me