I'll have the 500LC..what about you?

I didnt realise you could get a classic bike so cheaply

If only we had the roads for them :roll:
Triton Cafe Racer and the MV Augusta for me please Santa.

I had a very highly tuned RD 350LC back in the late 80's, rode it three times and it scared the living daylights out of me. It would leave my mates brand new FZR 600 for dead at the lights. Swapped it for a Escort Mexico thankfully or I probably would not be here!

I had a very highly tuned RD 350LC back in the late 80's

:LOL: :LOL: Just a few years ago I went through a phase of buying RD's.
Air-cooled and water-cooled. The RD400C was just plain scary to ride....the handling was very bad. Had every kind of LC going apart from a 500 and a few RGV's, but ended up with Kawasakis KR1-S.Only 250cc but hell that thing was fast...its a cliche but you just couldn't ride it at a legal speed....."sorry officer, I didn't mean to speed but the plugs were starting to foul" :LOL:
Got to be the 500 elsie for me. Had quite a few yam strokers from rd80lc through to tzr's, rd400's, 350lc's etc but never had the capital for a 500 :D

Failing that the commando interstate would do... ;)
Harryburgundy":t93dnzxm said:
I had a very highly tuned RD 350LC back in the late 80's

:LOL: :LOL: Just a few years ago I went through a phase of buying RD's.
Air-cooled and water-cooled. The RD400C was just plain scary to ride....the handling was very bad. Had every kind of LC going apart from a 500 and a few RGV's, but ended up with Kawasakis KR1-S.Only 250cc but hell that thing was fast...its a cliche but you just couldn't ride it at a legal speed....."sorry officer, I didn't mean to speed but the plugs were starting to foul" :LOL:

:D Quite agree with you on the 400, very easy to get it feeling a bit out of its comfort zone......The KR1-S is a fantastic bike if you can find a good un. Infact if/when I return to strokers it would be one of these I would hunt down