Idea's for half a Puch Prima


Devout Dirtbag
Close to the end of a night shift on Monday I spotted this...

There were no bids on it and the starting price was only £14. It was not too far away so I thought why not?

now I'm wondering what the bleep to do with it.

Prize for the best idea


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Make a coffee table from it?
Picture frame?
You could even build it in to a old and possibly ride it? I've heard of a few on here doing that, though not always the latter ;)
You may still be in with a chance to turn it into a fixie and sell it for obscene money to a hipster.
Woz":2y7kgunz said:
You may still be in with a chance to turn it into a fixie and sell it for obscene money to a hipster.

Think I missed the boat on that one.
Here's the plan. I ask you guys here to dig deep into your garages and sheds, to find the parts I need to get it turned into a rideable transporty type machine.

Then take legrandefromage's idea.
legrandefromage":kubq0spx said:
Strip, clean, polish, fit 27" wheels, punt back out on ebay.

And put the money with the funds I have already raised for my charity ride.