Crikey, keep it coming folks
Some good stuff here
I was kind of thinking the Malverns, but there are some other good suggestions for venues too. I kinda like RBGs Idea, but also quite like the idea of having a distinct event: something like;
Retrocon, a celebration of the History of Mountain Biking ( Unless people want to extend it to roadie stuff too - which is cool )
What do you guys prefer - a link up with York or a seperate event?
(I was thinking a weekend job so camping could occur and the GOOD SF cons are run over the same timescale in order to accomodate guests who may be able to make one day or the other and to get a good spread of panels and sub events going without feeling rushed. Also makes it feel that bit more epic
I may put up a poll later.
Now then I am aware that we as a forum group probably make up a fairly small group of people who would want to go / CAN go, so we'd need to make it more accessible to others and publicise it properly, cos depending on costs we'd want maybe a couple of hundred folks to go.
I wonder if anyone willing to join the organising team would be willing to say so here or PM me, whichever they prefer and let me know what they fancy doing?
My own experience ( and I am willing to go with anyone else's as well, to the benefit of the event ) says that we will need people in charge of the following:
Chair: ( oversees everything, crosses t's and dots I's. someone's word has to be final sometimes, it's the chair's. )
Publicity ( Advertising, press coverage, TV/Radio Liason etc)
Guest Liason ( Writing to prospective guests asking them to attend and working out the logistics thereof )
Head Steward ( Sort of controller of gofers and head of security - more on gophers later )
Venue Liason / Facilities - ( Talks to and makes arrangements with venue, secures licensing permits if necessary for alcohol sales etc. Arranges portaloos etc if necessary
Treasurer ( looks after the money, makes sure guests' expenses and costs are paid, keeps financial records all that sort of thing )
Dealer Liason: ( What it says: guest liason for dealers - organising stalls/tables etc )
Stewards: Gophers. The backbone of the con'. They report to Head Steward, look after guests and attendees, direct and control queues, and generally "gofer" stuff.
Now then, depending on the size of the event we may need more, but that's the main core that I can think of from the top of my head.
I will have a bit mo0re of a think over the next few days and would love to hear more suggestions, critique etc. I am getting really excited about this