How much trouble have you been in?

neilll":2lvzcqtx said:
5) Get stuff delivered to work (MOST IMPORTANT RULE OF ALL)

I used to think this. I now get 9/10 parcels sent to work and an occasional one sent home for her to sign for. Reduces suspicion ;)
I've not been in anywhere near as much trouble as I will be when I stop working away from home in the week. :shock:

I've got two bikes in Oxford she's never seen, that I have to explain at some point soon! :?

I think I might be a dead man. :D
Number 5 clearly is the golden rule, but just as valid, well, it works for me is the offensive approach
"Look at those cranks sweetheart....just look at the CNC machining"
"Whats different on my bike tonight sugarlips?"
" I managed to get this headset cheap from Finland"
Etc etc etc
Wear them down so they don't care anymore :LOL:
Ha ha ha boy have all you Guys got it wrong.

You make sure she gets off to work everyday and earns twice what you do. Pathetic little bike bits dont even register.

".....Sorry Dear?....Yes Dear....No Dear...Yes...Right away Dear."

Gotta go....
Itry,d every thing in the manule to keep my wife happy with my shiney bit buy,s but my mate at the bike shop would tell his misses about the £500 set of wheels or the nice new suspention forks . but she would always tout me up to my wife as they went to the same gym.So after trying to get her to not go to the gym / sending a fake failer notice from the gym to say her membership had end,ed . She opted for the easy option and served me with divorce papers sighting i had more time for MTB,ing than i did for her " and it was,nt fake" so i.m happy ,single , and now with flogging my house back in england i can spend / ride and do prity much what i like . p.s. thinking back i don.t miss her that much :LOL:
boy"O"boy":2w3oqke8 said:
....Ironic that the sweetener costs nearly the sum of parts. That's without those Paul Smith ' Swirley ' bags and accessories :D last but one was 10 days in Gran Canaria (it was nice though :D )

Yesterday I treated her to a SIM Free Samsung U900 Soul and an 8gb memory card :LOL: :LOL:
Mr. Zero":223zj9mt said:
My problem is that she doesn't discourage me enough! Every time I present her with the "come check out this really cool XYZ frame/bike I found on eBay", I invariably get the response of "Oooh, that IS cool! I think you should get it!" :roll:

HAHAHA mate my girlfriend is exactly the same!! She won't let me put them in the communal hallway, she'd rather have them safe in the dining room! :shock:

It's my apparent tyre fetish that seems to be causing the most curiosity at the moment.. :roll:
Not much trouble - I just point out the ridiculous amount of shoes & clothes she owns (and invariably hasn't ever worn) - magic - works (almost) every time! Everyone's a winner.

Exteme cases, number 5 :roll: