How much trouble have you been in?

South Bound

Senior Retro Guru
Go on then, there are either some really understanding wives/partners out there, or some of you will have some good stories to share about the trouble you have been in for buying stuff from here or just having too many bikes.

Please share and help me prepare for my first bike-related argument!
I was usualy too far away from the wife on my bike to get any tongue pie!

My comeback to anyone who gives me grief is.Everyone needs a hoby, other wise they will end up like you! A boring swisted ball of anger who has loathing toward people who enjoy life!

Firm but fair and measured response,i think.

;) I think it's fair to say the other halve's/partners dont really know the value of most bike related stuff, or just dont care so long as it works.
I've been lucky in that every girl i've known has ridden mountain bikes...but have also fallen into the above their bike needs some 'goodies' or upgrading, do it on the cheap..they are still happy and none the wiser..and spend the dosh on your own stuff!! Works a treat!! :cool: :LOL:
what goes on in the garage, stays in the garage


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NO! You cant say the word sales to my wife. She would be down Harvey Nics with my Credit card and sharpend nails with in minutes! ;)

I have landed myself in it countless times, when i went out and bought a £1700 scott nitrous 20 bike then tried to sneak it past the missus...i got caught and said i won it...AH THE WHOPPERS! Then i was off work for 3 months after an operation and said i was watching my money(understandably), then a combination of the brain in overtime and too much time on my hands i went and bought a road bike at nearlt £600. Went down like a lead balloon.

Then there are the Sidi road shoes that arrived today...forgot to mention them...the cycle computers...the i need to go on? i Can't help myself. I play the whole " WELL ILL GIVE IT UP AND BE FAT THEN" everytime.
Even better than the i will get fat card. Heart attacks run in the family and my doctor says i have to ride older style heavier bikes, cos its good for me!
And then top it off by saying, You dont want me to die like my dear old uncle joe.Do you?


When i was deep into buying stuff i used to always soften the blow with a dozen red roses, IE

Bike 98 at the NEC with a few mates, quick call to jackies florist where i live, Dozen red roses to the wifes works, She texts how much, I text back £500 Pace pro class :cool: , She texts back £%$£$^&*, When i got home she's calmed down, Job done.

Either that or hide every purchase next to the hoover she'll never find them then :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: