legrandefromage Bin Monkey BoTM Winner PoTM Winner GT Fan Feedback View Aug 11, 2015 #1 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-19-Da ... 1416941986
Retro Spud Retrobike Rider Gold Trader PoTM Winner Feedback View Aug 11, 2015 #2 Re: Nowt wrong with changing your get up and becoming a Kona half way through your photo shoot
K KDM Senior Retro Guru Aug 11, 2015 #5 Re: I see what you mean, first the kona picture and usual for them, their silly prices. Given most people in the hobby know the true worth, this shop is becoming quite known for stupidity in its pricing. One to avoid.
Re: I see what you mean, first the kona picture and usual for them, their silly prices. Given most people in the hobby know the true worth, this shop is becoming quite known for stupidity in its pricing. One to avoid.
kingoffootball Retrobike Rider Gold Trader Feedback View Aug 11, 2015 #6 I bought a set of those forks. They didn't stay that colour very long.
Retro Spud Retrobike Rider Gold Trader PoTM Winner Feedback View Aug 11, 2015 #7 Re: Okay LGF What's the answer as the ones mentioned are oversights Nothing actually wrong with V brake levers pulling canti's otherway round and you have shite brakes Pictures are a simple fcuk up Price is a joke Put me right oh wise one of the flat lands
Re: Okay LGF What's the answer as the ones mentioned are oversights Nothing actually wrong with V brake levers pulling canti's otherway round and you have shite brakes Pictures are a simple fcuk up Price is a joke Put me right oh wise one of the flat lands
legrandefromage Bin Monkey BoTM Winner PoTM Winner GT Fan Feedback View Aug 11, 2015 #9 'We're a proper bike shop' and those levers were never designed to be used with cantilevers. And those aluminium cable stops felx like anything.
'We're a proper bike shop' and those levers were never designed to be used with cantilevers. And those aluminium cable stops felx like anything.
D doctorstewie Senior Retro Guru Feedback View Aug 11, 2015 #10 Is it me or do the welds look a bit...industrial? I'd expect an 853 bike to show a bit of finesse.