Honjo in the UK?


Old School Grand Master
Does anyone know where I can buy Honjo mudguards in the UK at all please? Searching on Google at the moment is proving tedious!

IIRC Planet X had them for a while, coul dtry them too.
Fresh tripe just replied. They can get the normal 42mm fluted ones for £95 or the hammered and fluted ones for £100. Plus £10 delivery. :?

Bit more than I hoped but still cheaper than ordering from America.
Yeah but I only really like the fluted ones. The smooth ones are boring and the hammered ones remind me of a wedding dress :( The only fluted ones VO do are the Zeppellin's and they only come in 52mm which is probably too big for my bike.

Is there a rule of thumb way to tell if mudguards will fit your bike? At what point do you measure the width?
Tokyo Fixed of london have the VO mudguards. I wasn't going to buy them until I saw them and then I couldn't resist.

The plain ones aren't boring so much.... they look amazing, understated.
The style points come from the extra length and the way the mudguard stays go around the outside of the guard. Really good in the rain 'n all.

I was pretty keen on the hammered ones but it's best to see them on a bike.

The quality and the polish/finish is fabulous. It's a moot point if you think it's worth spending more.

I have a photo of my bike with them fitted if you wanna see, but if your heart is fluted, then so should be your mind, and thereafter your wallet.