I crash into my mate when he slammed on his anchors, then hit him and fell into the trees, just before the Ford...
My second crash was on the final downhill section, I went pass the photographer, about 100 yards down from him, got stuck in a groove, turned right to get out and lost grip! No injuries apart from some bruises! Great day non the less

Top of the first climb.

Random picture.


Just before Tea


Long way to go.

The bit that Jon missed.
This is a pick of the start, with me on the GT... :cool:


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My ride, 100k in 5.25 riding time roughly. I dont use strava or computers.
Started oft pleasantly enough, riding along with Coleman. Til I realized I'd left my food in the car :facepalm: tw-t. Leaving me with a Camelbak of water and four or five little gel jelly energy things. No, not jelly babies!
Then as we approached the first check, I realized I'd also left my card with the map provided in the car too! :facepalm: fcukin tw-t..
So having bid farewell to Coleman, I set off on the big one. Felt great to start with, passing everyone I saw - wish I'd had a video for that! - a lot of it on the big ring, as there was a lot of road, far too much IMO. Got to the water ok, I hope that fella got a good shot of me! Then not long after, the food/checkpoint stop at around 55k. Had some coffee cake and flapjack and took a banana along with a Camelbak fill up.
Then my legs turned to sh-t! For around 25k. (By this stage i was asking people with strava/computers how far we had left to go ) Lack of food earlier? Combined with effort? Stopping often gives you stiff legs when starting up again I know. Back was hurting too. It was actually a relief to mend a flat, just so I could stop for a few minutes to mend it. Found the 1/2" thorn that had caused it, so another tube in, pumped up and on my way again, feeling slightly less sh-t, just ropey instead! :LOL:
Started to feel a bit better, and continued to pass people again. Then we got to the very windy, exposed section at Cleeve hill. Back to being on my knees there!
I was hoping it was a reversal of the start of last years ride, with a long descent into winchcombe, and I wasn't disappointed.
Low points? Too much road, I'd guess around 70%. Feeling crap due to my own bad planning, going onto the granny 24t, just so I could ride the section. It should really have been the 36t, but I was spent at that point. And getting passed by a ten year old on a cx bike on the long downhill road at the end.
Good points? Blatting along before I blew up. Catching/passing cx bikes on the off-road downhill sections. Finishing!
Pleased I'd arranged a b&b for the Sunday night!
Good videos Coleman ;) and thanks for your company for the first part.

Re: Re:

Mike Muz 67":2bt91iku said:
Then we got to the very windy, exposed section at Cleeve hill. Back to being on my knees there!
You and me both Mike, and just about all the riders around me too.

I also forgot to mention the amusing little bout of cramp, just as I got to the top of the little switchback climby bit, oh what a jape and a jolly wheeze that was, and although appreciated, the looks of sympathy from passing riders at my grimace and locked up right leg didn't help.

Gotta keep hydrated boys, even when you think you're not sweating.

I was getting cramp after around 70k but only mild calf cramps. It's the ones inside my thighs that did me in! Thankfully only startex as I tried to recover in the back of the car. Came and went all evening though!
Feel ok now.
It rained in winchcombe last night. Only for a short time, but enough to really pi-- you off and get you soaked. Riders were still coming In as I left, having eaten, around 5pm


Dave and I came intending to do the 50, then decided to do the long first half and the short second half.

We got to the lunch stop and Dave was still feeling chipper, I was slightly less cheerful but was persuaded that this was the year to do the 100.

Unfortunately, this turned out not to be case.

With 20k to go, I was getting slower and had discovered that urination was now extremely painful.

We met a very nice marshall at checkpoint 4 who directed us to a little short cut that took us back to the track past Sudely castle that we'd used on the way out.

Result, 91k. The shame of it.
I'm pleased to say that in spite of the pain (various and too many to mention) I had a great day and met some lovely people on the way round.

100K next year.