HONC 2015 - 12 April 2015


Nice one Mike

9% for a mile. Blimey. I really won't see much of you guys! Have to catch up pre race

We'll never know mate, don't wear an HRM any more.
Sounds pretty low though, if I'm honest.
How far did you ride today?

I will be competing with my GT Avalanche... Should be fun! Started training for it on Saturday, she got a bit dirty its fair to say! Great ride non the less! :)


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Looking forward to this. Managed to get an entry from the transfer list, so see you all there. Will try for 100k, but may take the shorter route home post cake stop, will see how my back is holding up.
Re: Re:

The History Man":3d5ncycn said:
Strava - 9% average for 1.1miles I am in fifth for 2015.

Not for long. :facepalm:

What are you moaning about - you're already half way up that hill when you climb on this:

The History Man":3d5ncycn said:
Just been out. I know where it's going for the first climb at least! :p

Looking forward to this :D
The little yellow signs have started going up. Going to have a follow tomorrow. Might use the Pioneer on the day.