HONC 2015 - 12 April 2015


Oh excellent, in that case there won't be the traffic jam we had last year..... plus, I'll actually be able to ride (as opposed to walk) it.

Wont be fit enough but I am really looking forward to it. Just need to decide nearer the time if it's retro ride or not
Re: Re:

The History Man":3bd27hny said:
Just been out. I know where it's going for the first climb at least! :p

Didn't know they could makes a bike out of 5-bar gates! Just goes to show :LOL: :LOL:
Is it good wheelie territory Neil?


Rubbish for wheelies Mike, but bunny hop central.

Coomber, turn up on a 29'er and I will not speak to you...... which may not be a negative.
coomber":33njqwq1 said:
trekker no doubt.. kili still too mint!

Mud Trekkin' , across the Cotswold climbs,
Feelin' like a sack of s--t, not for the first time!

:LOL: :facepalm: :roll:

There's bikes Jim, but not as we know it, captain .


I'll get me coat :oops:

(Sidles off hoping not to get noticed)


Strava - 9% average for 1.1miles I am in fifth for 2015.

Not for long. :facepalm: