HONC 2015 - 12 April 2015


It will be 50k on the usual half-arsed lash up for me. I have prettier but I just like riding this.

I like the explosif.

Think I will take the trekker as want to iron out a few things on the kili. Might treat it to some new summer tyres though and pray for good weather.

Knee giving me serious grief and giving out on me walking twice in last two days. Seeing surgeon tomorrow for general advice on it but 50/50 as to whether to ride Sunday or not. Lot of travelling for a slow painful ride if it doesn't improve quickly. Not ruling it out but can't see the point right now. Suitably miserable as missed most of last summer injured.
Hopefully you'll get a magic injection. No point risking anything though.

On the other hand, the money you save on fuel............
For anybody wanting to get here early all the little yellow signs are now up. Tried the full first half of the 50k today. Drying out nicely on the few tracks and fields. Mainly a road and made up path route on the first half. Trashed the rear hub bearings on the red mavic. Serious noise by the end.

Tempted to fit fatter fast rolling summer tyres after this morning's ride.

Oh and Mike, lemon meringue and cherry from M&S. Will that sweeten the deal?

I also have a road frame for sale should any attendee wish to make me an offer, cash on collection:

viewtopic.php?f=22&t=322121 plus pie of course.

Yes I know, shameless.


Well that's it then, I'm out :roll:

(Shuffles off, dragging bike bsck to it's display case )
