HONC 2015 - 12 April 2015

Yeah thanks for the map. That first climb looks the worst and nice to see a long decent on the way back.
Re: Re:

coomber":1z0e99pg said:
18 miles today knee killed and I walked up two massive climbs giving me an average speed of 7mph! Next Sunday is gonna be fun!

Best pack some lights!

Make sure you pack clean shorts, then I can push you up the climbs. Until I turn off for the man's route ;) :LOL:

Thanks Mike! :LOL:

The speed thing factors in lot of walking up some ridiculous hills and a few breathers. I'll make them subtle on Sunday, pretend I need to stop to take a pic of a retrobike or something :LOL:
Re: Re:

mass199":17kx029b said:
FiestaGuy12":17kx029b said:
Haha, its days like this and events like this that make me glad that I have a hardtail!
Could be worse, I wonder if anyone will be on a Fat Bike :shock: Adrian?

Yep that's the plan - be it one that's had a healthy dose of carbon to loose some lbs!

The retros were looking appealing in the garage today though - what are you lot on - retro or modern?