HONC 2015 - 12 April 2015


It will take that wall out if you're not careful HM!
Cheers for the info Coomber, good to know should I blow up! :roll:


As I've been away on hols with the horses, I have not had a chance for any pedalling pleasure this week. I did have a bike, but gale force winds, bikes, Exmoor and me don't mix. At least on a 500Kg horse you can't get blown away.... much.

Taking the trusty DOGS to the HONC, so I'll take a tootle to the woods over the weekend and maybe crack in a 30 miler on road during the week, then it'll be fingers crossed the stamina holds out for 50k.

No1 son has a rotten cough at present, so he'll most likely just wheeze his way (much faster than me) around the 50k too, unless he feels good on the day, in which case the matched whippets of Mike and Jon will be seen hurtling over the far horizon.

Are we going to try and meet up in the car park before the off?
I'm up for meeting beforehand. I'm going to leave at 4ish so will be there for 7 hopefully. My pre ride ritual of a million strong coffees will see me right I hope!

Jon and I are early risers, but not THAT early.

I think we'll be aiming to get there around 8 ish, so sign in, T shirts, toilets and coffee will be the order of the day.

Not sure on kit yet, I think a lot will depend on the weather, last year it was dry and warm. I think I started out with arm warmers, then ditched them, fingers crossed for the same this year.
I always overdress and regret it. Riding that is.

I'll check in on here before next weekend and see what the score is but that sounds good.

Hoping for some good weather!
I shall pop over at 7.30 to register before returning home for breakfast and to select a bike. Back in time to chat.

How early can you register on the day?

I'm going to Winchcombe for Saturday afternoon. Got b&b booked for Saturday and Sunday.
Be good to catch up with you all before we ride, as well as the banter/p--s taking afterwards! :LOL:
Mind you, half of you will probably be back home before I finish :roll:

My weapon of choice,



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