Hillclimbing issue


Dirt Disciple
Hey Guys n Gals.....

Well, too much hill, too much effort, not enough technique!
I was on my way home from a spin on the weekend and this happened. :(

Kinda gutting for nice original equipment to die... :cry:


It seems ot of suffered some lateral stress as a chainring bolt shot out and disappeared.



Any ideas if it is safe enough to just remove the inner ring and make it a 7 speed from a 14?
I really don't want to kill a pantographed chainring...

If anyone has a Campy Inner chainring with a BCD of 144, let me know!!

Happy spinning....

Opps, that looks nasty. Are you sure the bolt hadn't dropped out before it broke? The subsequent stress and bending could have resulted in the breakage.

Is it definitely a 144BCD? I might have something but not necessarily a Campag one.
Yep, its 144...
I only changed the crank arms recently, so I guess the bolt could of come loose!
If you have a pic of what u have, let me know!

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