I am in the procees of building my goat, however went into my local bike shop today to see how they are getting on with my bike, and their is a small prolbem :?
On the frame, where you put your seal clamp/bolt etc to secure the post, their is obvisouly the holes where the bolt goes through, but at the 9:00 o'clock postion, there is a small grove :?
Doe any one know what this grove/notch is, do I need a special type of bolt that locks into this grove?
Can I use a normal ringle QR seat clamp?
cheers in advance
I am in the procees of building my goat, however went into my local bike shop today to see how they are getting on with my bike, and their is a small prolbem :?
On the frame, where you put your seal clamp/bolt etc to secure the post, their is obvisouly the holes where the bolt goes through, but at the 9:00 o'clock postion, there is a small grove :?
Doe any one know what this grove/notch is, do I need a special type of bolt that locks into this grove?
Can I use a normal ringle QR seat clamp?
cheers in advance