Help to Id Ladies Raleigh bike


Retro Newbie

My daughter has purchased an old Raleigh bike and we think its a Feb 1947 but would ideally like to know more as were going to need a few parts.

The Hub says "Dynohub" instead of the normal "Sturmey Archer" and it has the numbers 47 and 2 which I have read to mean its February 1947?

Id like to know the model if anyone knows?

We need to replace the bearings in the headset as some are missing but is there a specific size as these are quite small to measure properly.

The front wheel nuts seem to have gone awol so I need to source them but im guessing they wont be a standard size to replace?

At some point id like to look at the dynohub but thats further down the line. The bike was HAND painted with black pain and a paint brush :roll: so its currently at our workshop being dipped to strip it right back then im planning on cleaning it up then using Acid Etch Primer, then normal Primer and finally a pale pink colour as she wants a vintage bike with a modern feel.

Also she wants a basket of some type on the front so thats another thing to source.

Anyway I think thats it, heres a picture of it when she got it so appologise its not the best. Any help or advice on where I might get these parts etc greatly appreciated. We do have the mudguards even though theyre not in the picture. The gears state "Sturmey Archer 4 speed"



The head bearings should be 5/32 inch I think 22 top and bottom. I can confirm this with a sharp close up od the head set.

Front hub nuts 5/16 x 26TPI standard size. As this is a bolt up frame roadster the front wheel might have cones with a small shoulder that fits into the fork end. If so you must fit with the non adjustable cone on the right hand side, and adjust the other after the wheel is in, as tightening the hub nuts will tighten the cones. If the cones have lock nuts then the original hub nuts would have had a shoulder and washer going into the fork end. Standard nuts and washers will do.

It seems you have a 4 speed dynohub which I hope you checked as working before doing the frame.

Thanks Keith

Not checked the dynohub as wheels were shot so couldnt check but do you mean the dynohub power or the changing of gears? I assume from your comment that they are a pain to fix or replace then?

Headset I will try and get a close up once the frame comes back in a day or two. I will also try and check the front wheel tomorrow in daylight.

Thanks for your help and advice so far.

Hi Colin

A pic of the top headset parts would do, this will also confirm whether the frame is before or after 1948, the wheel may not be original.
Or, if the headset top race is the Raleigh octagonal then 1949 on.

The rear hub could have problems.



I take it by 'headset' you mean you want a picture of the top of the handle bars rather than the top of the frame where the bar stem goes into the frame?

I will try and get a pic tomorrow for you. You obviously know this bike well.

I guess I will just have to deal with the hub issue if and when it arrives.



The top headset threaded bearing, washer and top lock nut would not be sent to the painter. You would have removed them as well as the inserted cups in the frame head lugs and the bottom head race on the fork crown. No pic required if the top fittings (where the handlebar is inserted) are octagonal then after about the end of 1948.

There are some frame number lists for Raleigh which will date some bikes.

I was a retailer/repairer in the 1950/60s

Hi Keith

I managed to get the ball bearings from her bike and she has 25 from the bottom of the headset and 24 from the headset but as I say some are apparently missing so would that still be the 5/32 size also does 25 seem right so that maybe only 1 is missing? Also the nut on top of the headset which screws the bars down into the tube (sorry dont know proper names) is octagnal.

Looking at pictures of the Roadster seem to be her bike but all the pictures have a frame thing for parcels on the back wheel, whats this called as she does not have that on hers so maybe we might try to get one. Also is it possible to fit a basket to one of these as I know she really wants one.



I also got a chance to have a look at the rear wheel and pulling the gear chain out it was clicking between the gears so hopefully that means that the gears work ok.

Frame now being primed with Etch Primer and then normal primer so hopefully it wont be much longer before its back for me to start putting together which is why I need to resolve the bearing issue.

thanks again


Hi Colin,

It is possible someone put 1/8 balls in the headset, correct size is 5/32 inch.

Just because the toggle chain into the rear hub moves this does not mean the interior is OK. Most of these were run so far out of simple adjustment and full of water that it is surprising that they ever worked.

Thanks Keith, ok ive ordered some 5/32 bearings like you suggested and will fit those in the headset once I get to put it back together.

So what am I meant to be doing with the rear wheel then, should I take it apart and open it up but is there a guide somewhere to rebuild these? Im not overly concerned if they dynamo part dont work but obviously need the gears.

thanks again


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