Yeah but you want a solid axle for a fixie no? So if needs can use chain tugs (can be done on forward horizontal slots). 10mm axle - length 126 + 8 + 8 + 15 + 15=172-180mm should do it at a guess
^ it is solid. Harks back to the good old days when quick release was still exotic and the rest of us had wing nuts on solid axles. They didn't bend as easily...
I really feel i'm being guided here by those a lot more conversant with this than myself so whatever the consensus is i'd go along with, if there's anything i need to measure this end i will. Is it worth noting that the dropouts themselves appear more subtantial than normal? I'm getting 7mm but i hasten to add that's using a Helix ruler as apposed to vernier calipers
Yes the original axle is solid, i think that forms part of the problem - by having nuts with washers built in there's a good few mm to bypass before you get to the threaded part.
Are you sure about the 7mm? I thought 10mm was standard for solid axles. They can be had for not much on ebay (or LBS) at an appropriate length. The cones won't be up to much, but if your Campag is actually 10mm you can use the ones on there.
Yes i was thinking about axle width with the 7mm reference but i understand the 10mm quote now, i think i'm the one being slow here
Nick has posed the question of chainline and having done a quick mock up it looks absolutely miles out so it seems it's back to the drawing board or straight to the classifieds...