Headset and Brake Lever Qs.


Old School Grand Master
Hi All. I very rarely build from scratch so I forget things. My son has requested a bike to get him to some outlying Nottingham villages so as cheap as possible whilst functioning is the key. It might well be stolen. I have an old Dawes Edge frame with damaged BB threads that fits the bill. I am about to fit the headset and need to know which of these fits to the top of the headtube and which goes in the bottom.


I have always had a logo in the past to help! To say this is a cheap one is an understatement! I have had to take the burrs of everything and rebuild a bearing cage!

Thanks as ever.
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Thanks both. The homemade welded headset press did the trick once again. I fear I’ll have to do without the tabbed (not tabbed really) washer as it is quite a high stack. I managed without one for years though so here’s hoping.

I don’t think the bike is quite worth a build thread but I might add a photo or two to here. Cheers again for your timely advice.
Rather than begin another new thread or hijacking @Tootyred thread also on V brake levers, I have edited this one.
I want to fit V brakes to this scrapper bike. I know this means I need V brake specific levers that pull more cable. Rather than find dedicated V brake levers, I think I have several versions that are from the transition period from canti to V.
Namely I have found Dia Compe Power Control 7 EXA, Avid AD-1.0L and Ritchey Logic levers.
They all have some sort of adjuster buried within:


I’m assuming we have High and Low pull ratio? High for V brakes? Do I need to remove the little rubber spacer and wind the nubbin across to the H side? Or, does it need to flip over? TIA.
You shouldn't need to remove anything. There may be a little grub screw that allows you to wind the adjuster to where you want it.
Looks to me as though;
Green has to be removed regardless
Then either;
There’s a screw head in Red (unlikely) or;
Twist blue to make the screw turn into the lever towards Red (even less likely) or;
Twist Blue to bring Yellow along the thread then pop Green back in the other side.

Thanks guys. Yes, last night I removed the bit marked green. It stuck up a bit the other side and clearly needed to be gone. A 2mm Allen key then did the trick of moving the ‘bump’ down to the H end.

The cable retainer flops around a bit now but once there is some cable tension there, it should be in the right place. I have fitted a skip salvaged chainset that I was keeping just in case I ever get a boat! Chain line looks iffy but it’ll have to do as I cannot fit another BB.
I’m off to buy the cheapest 7 speed gripshift money can buy. I would prefer some sort of friction shifter but cannot find one on general sale.