Bit of an update.. I've not been riding this as much as my backs not that good. So its fallen into a category with 3 other bikes, that I'm just not using as frankly anything more than 20 mins is killing me the day after.
I covered a lot of this train of thought here.....
The upshot being i decided to move obe of the bikes on..thats gone. One im still debating, its probably the hardest to deal with as ive had it basically since new in 89.
The third is this Swallow.
So, i decided to have a go at an o.a.p. makeover over christmas.
I tried a few bar and stem combos to bring the bars up, but, tbh, they all did exactly what i was afraid of....they just looked like a bodge to fix a problem. Not really a solution. Here are a few pics...its not pretty!