I've a complete set available if all else fails…they're in pretty good condition if I recall (they're stored away somewhere at the moment). Let me know if you fancy them and I'll hunt them down, then send some images over
Might have a 3 speed smoke srt800 shifter you can have for postage. Has a crack around the bar clamp as most do, but its small and doesn't affect anything and is not really visible.
Bru, I have a clear and a smoke.
One came to me as perfect, it was.
After half a year sat in a box they developed cracks
that rear casing is terminal, but don't throw the parts away. Just the broken bits.
The cable cover, if cracked, can be replaced by the much stronger black covers from the SRT600/500's
In fact as far as I can tell, you can you the 'grip twisting' part over a SRT600/500 inner bit and trim down the small section sticking out. I have 2 sets (see above crack part) I have setup and now sat waiting to trim down when it comes to it.