Frullani road bike, anyone heard of them?


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
yesterday i had the pleasure of working back in the shop i used to run for the day as a favour to the owner as he was out racing his bike, while in there i had a look at the owners Frullani road bike, he picked it up at a motorbike jumble a while ago but neither of us know much about it.

it has some really nice touches, internal gear cable routing, a recess on the back of the seat tube, brazed, lugged, just a really nice machine, anyway, here are some pics i took and any light you can shed of history of this brand/machine would be cool :D

IMG_2117 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2116 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2115 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2114 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2113 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2112 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2111 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2110 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2109 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2108 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2125 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2124 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2123 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2122 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2121 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2120 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2119 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

IMG_2118 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
Wasn't he a mechanic who designed and built wheels?

After my time but an Aende of its day :)


cool, thanks for that, i guessed it was a small one man brand type and the internal routing and front mech mount and seat tube arrangement suggested someone who really knew what they were doing


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