Frame Builders


Devout Dirtbag
With the Bob Jackson thing ongoing and Vernon Barker for sale:

What builders are left that don't fall into the, "Boutique" mold?

Ellis Briggs (but who is doing the paint now BJ gone?)

BJ and Vernon could do frames for, "around a grand".

Perhaps a list, unless it's been done before?

Great site, very refreshing in a plastic squealing world.
Re: Frame Buiders

Argos still build frames
Steve Goff still building frames
Woodrup/Kevin Sayles - soon (reportedly) opening the 'new' Bob Jackson frame shop. IMHO Kevin is one of the best builders around. Some of his builds are amazing.

Ellis Briggs (even the new iteration) I believe has closed but I'm ready to be advised otherwise.

I wasn't aware Vernon was selling up but he has been in business for a long time. I had a lovely tandem from him mid '80's when the shop was M & B.
Are Enigma still building frames in Titanium?

Hetchins also possibly still building?

I think it was BJ or Mercian or somebody that were building the 'Hetchins' of late, Nob.

Winston Vaz

I dunno how you define 'boutique'? In my mind it is code for: "Wasn't around forty years back."

But I guess one can understand the temptation to hang your brazing torch up after forty years, or at least to use it a bit more selectively, which might be another definition of 'boutique' ?