First Official Retrobike ONLINE Questionnaire

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Retrobike Rider
NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE! No excuses... ... ckID=11289

Behind the scenes, we Moderators are a conscientious and altruistic bunch, happily born to serve you - our regular Retrobike forum users!

But times are changing fast at Retrobike - the growth in registered users has been staggering (nearly a thousand new recruits in 2007...) - we now would like to take stock of the wishes and needs of you all through a simple and fun questionnaire.

If you prefer, take 10 minutes or so over the Christmas holidays, pour yourself some vintage port and cut some fresh Stilton, download and fill in the questionaire and either post it back to the address on the form or re-scan it and mail it back to the email address (also on the form). ... emId=33799

REMEMBER - we're doing this to help the site help represent the wishes of all our users!

Any queries - PM me!

As an incentive - I will put all replies returned by mid-January in a thimble/hat/bath (depending on reponse...) for a special prize draw!!!


PS. My personal thanks go to Rob for sorting out the electronic version....

PPS. Thanks for contributions regarding improved questionnaires - it's our first stab so we'll add amendmments to the '08 poll.
Bambi on ice

If I knew how to do it online I woulda done...!

Remember - we're amateurs - enter into the spirit! ;)

Great idea, but you may want to review some of your questions.

For example:

Q6-Q9: While its good to ask attendance at events, the rest of the form fails to acknowledge that the forum user may be outside the UK, and hence the practicallity of doing so is limited.

Q17: Should probably be split into sub questions ie how many times, for how long (time or distance), road/offroad etc.

Q21: No mention of CX...

Q30: Should probably exclude forks from the equation also, or at least specify retro products only.

On a more general note, there are check boxes where there should be ratings to circle ie "(please rate each 0-5 in order of importance – 5 being very important)"

Sorry if that all sounds a bit picky, but I'd like to see you get meaningful answers that you can work with. :D
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