FINISHED: The Retro Tank Build - Spooky Metalhead


Old School Grand Master
Had a thread up a few days ago and pulled it as there is still a debate going on with whether it's a late 1997 or early 1998 frame which puts me in a dilemma with the correct Retrobike forum. Let's take it as late '97 for now.....

After making a plea on here Gil_m dropped me a line to say that he had a Metalhead and the deal was soon done. The purists on here won't like me as it really needed a new paint job, you don't see how bad the smurf blue paint was chipping away from the frame, I reckon the previous owners will back me up on this too.

It has been sat collecting a little dust for a while until I was able to pull in a favour from a friend who gave it a new powdercoat.... and now the build has commenced.

The Judy DH was initially for my Yeti build and I had the lowers painted at Spectrum alongside that frame, however the Yeti is sporting a more fitting Manitou 4 fork so the Judy has been sat surplus. Whether the forks change to Z2 Atom Bombs remains to be seen, as it stands they will be fine for the time being. The forks have been fitted with springs and aftermarket cartridges.

I have spoken at length with Frank, Chris C and Jimmy P (part of the original Spooky crew) about the frame. The dating issue arises from the lack of disk brake mount bolt holes on the rear drops and the BMX BB shell, it was Jimmy that brought in the BMX BB shells so that places it late 1997 to 1998 onwards. 1998 saw the introduction of the disk mount holes this then puts the frame to late 97/early 98....... and hence the predicament.

Speaking with Chris, their early Spooky team builds across the board were by and largely Ringle based so that's my starting point. My Ringle stuff's a bit of a mis-match colour wise however I aim to hone it all in over time. Other hardware will be Brooklyn Machine Works kit which is a perfect match for Spooky, as it was back then. As much as I would like to fit Profile three-piece cranks I'm going against this, and do realise it's a bit of a sacrilege... it's purely to save some weight. Metalheads can become portly buggers you see. Maybe further down the line I will see the error of my ways but until then a pair of nice square taper cranks will suffice!

This is going to be a bit of a slow build and I will update this thread it goes along........


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Re: Bollocks to it - Spooky Metalhead

Very nice! Looking forward to the progress of the build, subscribed.
Re: Bollocks to it - Spooky Metalhead

A little package with a whopping twenty-five quid customs charge landed today, ouch.... NOS rear drop adjusters from Chris C in the States, the legend!

Sorted the wheels out, Ringle hubs laced to Mavic D521 Ceramic rims, and popped on the M952 rear mech. Waiting for an MRP dual guide to land, that's gonna take a wee while. Trying to find an SDG S2000 Ti in black, so damn hard to get hold of. Aimed to fit my Bullet Bros rear mech chain tensioner alas once the skewer is through the drop adjusters there's not enough room for anything else on there, bugger! Big love going out to Nick AKA elite504 for some NOS Ringle shizzle as well, you rock.

The silver Azonic Pyramid bars are going to be changed to some black Answer ProTaper ones instead, they'll be in the same box as the eventually incoming MRP.



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Re: Bollocks to it - Spooky Metalhead

Looking good!
Great colour choice on the frame....I have a thing right now for pastel military shades!
Re: Bollocks to it - Spooky Metalhead

What a cold and wet day, all plans of going out were cancelled so I've been fettling a bit. Have to admit that Brooklyn Machine Works' 'Snot Rocket' brakes seem to have been made specifically to partner a Metalhead, they just suit the frames perfectly.

Haven't fitted the brake cables yet as I need to change the bars over once I find either a pair of Spooky bars (hen's teeth springs to mind) or some of the gold or black ProTaper ones.

Pray excuse the house's decor, it's all being ripped out over the coming year. That green carpet despite it complimenting the frame colour is absolutely gash!


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Re: Bollocks to it - Spooky Metalhead

Tediously slow build!

Took a while to source an e-thirteen guide, was initially going to fit an MRP Dual but NOS/well looked after ones are like hens teeth. Had to file out the backplate to fit behind the MTB BB converter cups.

Swapped out the Ringle stem for an Azonic Shorty as well which I feel is more in keeping.

Next up are some FTW made bars and some 3-piece Profile cranks....... it's still gonna take a little while longer yet.....


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This build just keeps getting better and better, I like those BMW brakes.

Have you ridden a Spooky? Reason I ask is they are incredibly stiff and that stiffness shows the flex in components. The Judys will feel awful on it. Needs some Shivers or Z1’s in my opinion. Crank wise is the same so profile is a good shout.

D8mok, yes I have, the majority of the parts are from my own boxes of stuff, I don't own any of the forks you mentioned sadly.