Fat chance titanium 1994 - Frame - Germany


I dont know how you could sell this handmade beauty. Best Ti frame ever made imo. Crazy cheap price for this with a BOI fork. The market has never been worse for top quality rare stuff. Only mass produced Taiwanese seems to be selling.

First pass welds 8)


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would love to take that! Thats THE thing!
But is double up the price of a very decent merlin or the like... so may be asking to much even with the BOI
Yetidh9":rbd1amog said:
would love to take that! Thats THE thing!
But is double up the price of a very decent merlin or the like... so may be asking to much even with the BOI

Thats like comparing a rare handmade Bugatti to a BMW M5.

Tens of thousands of Merlin Tis made ( still great to ride and copies of a Yo Eddy geometry according to Gary H ) but they use double pass welds to look pretty - significantly less skill involved ;) Very few of these 94 FAT Tis were ever made, as they were too expensive to make and every tiny intricate weld is first pass. Know the difference. These are works of art which also happen to be amazing to ride. Worth every Euro imo especially as it has the rare BOI.
M-Power":18e0sz99 said:
Yetidh9":18e0sz99 said:
would love to take that! Thats THE thing!
But is double up the price of a very decent merlin or the like... so may be asking to much even with the BOI

Thats like comparing a rare handmade Bugatti to a BMW M5.

Tens of thousands of Merlin Tis made ( still great to ride and copies of a Yo Eddy geometry according to Gary H ) but they use double pass welds to look pretty - significantly less skill involved ;) Very few of these 94 FAT Tis were ever made, as they were too expensive to make and every tiny intricate weld is first pass. Know the difference. These are works of art which also happen to be amazing to ride. Worth every Euro imo especially as it has the rare BOI.

I just new that I should have totallty shut up when I wrote that sentense... that it would backfire totally.. ha ha... Well, I know thit is not a fair comparession... I think that I was trying to find any - ANY - account for not trying to think over how i could source the money.

BTW: Chris seems to be working on getting both the fat (2.2), slim and cross + a slack fat into totanium models. And as he mentioned on the podcast he featured in last month (i think) he will be doing the ti work inhouse. So we may expect the same high quality on these new bikes...

I got a new fat 2.2. And that is really second to none in craftmanship. Took a year or more to have made. But really worth the time: https://www.instagram.com/p/B68A0SHlM1e ... _copy_link
and he is not into much hackeling on the price ... "Preis steht in der Anzeige, Angebote höre ich mir gern an, da das Set aber nicht wirklich weg muss, werde ich nicht groß verhandeln".
I just new that I should have totallty shut up when I wrote that sentense... that it would backfire totally.. ha ha... Well, I know thit is not a fair comparession... I think that I was trying to find any - ANY - account for not trying to think over how i could source the money.

:lol: Fair enough. Here is my 94 Ti. Best of breed imo and I have a
s/m 94 Ti for my daughter for when she grows out of her little Monster. :mrgreen:

BTW: Chris seems to be working on getting both the fat (2.2), slim and cross + a slack fat into totanium models. And as he mentioned on the podcast he featured in last month (i think) he will be doing the ti work inhouse. So we may expect the same high quality on these new bikes...

He is a total PERFECTIONIST. Incremental improvements have always been his game but not for a fashion trends sake. His designs, style and creativity have been copied a myriad of times since and artisan bike builders still churn out his design ideas as ‘fresh thinking’ today. Synergy being the final result of why his frames are so special to ride. Some more than others if course but I have yet to ride a ‘turkey’

I got a new fat 2.2. And that is really second to none in craftmanship. Took a year or more to have made. But really worth the time: https://www.instagram.com/p/B68A0SHlM1e ... _copy_link[/quote]

Awesome :mrgreen: :mrgreen: love the look of this 2.2 bike and its on my list to buy at some point. I have a fortune tied up in original FATs and need to sadly let a few go. Imo some of them transcend bicycle status to works of art.


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Yetidh9":2o96gytc said:
Lovely Ti, all though i would say that the white tyers is not my thing. Its simply a bit too much show for me. But it works with the white flite and odi grips.

Funny with the small monster... have one hanging for my daugther when she grows into 26" wheels... https://www.instagram.com/p/B4WySP-nTEm ... _copy_link

Looks familiar....I sold you that gorgeous little FAT :lol: I had a read of the current ad on ebay

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre ... 4483811934

for a similar one that used super light 10th Anniversary custom tubing. My daughters Monster might be the other missing ex Factory Team Race bike as it has matched factory painted Manitou fork. These tiny FATs just ride so nice, not stiff and dead feeling like many kids bikes that use adult spec tubing. I have tried them with a 425mm Syncros post and was very impressed. I changed the dampers in the forks to work for her body weight.


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Full circle... Forgot that I bought from you. Still hanging from and waiting... Going to keep it as rigid as its also gonna be used for riding to school. But would be nice to have an - say mag21 - for when we goning to hit the trals..

Your suspended monster looks nice too, and seems to be a very good fit sizings-wise. What did you do with the Manitous to actually make it work?